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剧情片 英国 2018

主演:小野洋子  /  朱利安·..  

导演:  Michael  Epstein  






The documentary tells the untold story of John Lennon's iconic Imagine album. It's also a story about Yoko meeting John and East meeting West. Two artistic minds connecting and inspiring each other both personally and professionally, ultimately co-authoring a radical worldview. Director Michael Epstein gained access to the extensive Lennon video, audio and photo archive, including much previously unseen material, and the film features never before seen or heard footage such as the first demo of Imagine (discovered by their audio archivist in an unmarked eight-track box) as well as unheard audio interviews with John and film footage of the couple working together in the studio. The film also features new interviews with those closest to the couple during the period of creating the Imagine album.


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